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The Night Kitchen bakery has been a Philadelphia cornerstone of artisan baked goods for 40 years. We are known for moist cakes, “Best of Philly” brownies, and sinful sticky buns. Each recipe is handcrafted with love.
Adam Sandler’s 55th
September 2021

Adam Sandler perks up the Philly-area dining and celeb scene while filming ‘Hustle’ for Netflix, Inquirer.com
NKB, Best Cakes
Best Of The Main Line, July 2019

Bakeries Ultimate Guide
Philadelphia Magazine, November 2018

Night Kitchen Bakery is the top of the list!
Young talents who are obsessed with technique, ingredients and experimentation, who are breaking rules and making babka and focaccia worth talking about again.
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“Insider” Video on FB
April 2018

This video created by INSIDER is amazing!!! Night Kitchen Bakery’s Pastry Chef Jackie Michele did an incredible job with General Manager Turquoise Affel as her assistant!! I am so proud of our staff!!!
NK’s “IcelandAir Cake”
The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 11 2017

13+ Million Views!
February 2017

This Harry Potter Cake was created by our Chefs Jackie, Jenna and decorator Caitlin.